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To use pleroma-bot you need to create a configuration file first.

You can generate one by running the bot:

$ pleroma-bot

    No config found at /path/to/config.yml
    Do you want to create one? (Y/n)

    In order to generate a config file, some information will be needed.

    What do you want to use with the bot?
    1. Twitter archive
    2. RSS feed
    3. Guest tokens (no required developer account)
    4. Twitter tokens
    Select an option (1-4):  
$ pleroma-bot

    No config found at /path/to/config.yml
    Do you want to create one? (Y/n)

    In order to generate a config file, some information will be needed.

    What do you want to use with the bot?
    1. Twitter archive
    2. RSS feed
    3. Guest tokens (no required developer account)
    4. Twitter tokens
    Select an option (1-4):  
$ python3 -m pleroma_bot.cli

    No config found at /path/to/config.yml
    Do you want to create one? (Y/n) 

    In order to generate a config file, some information will be needed.

    What do you want to use with the bot?
    1. Twitter archive
    2. RSS feed
    3. Guest tokens (no required developer account)
    4. Twitter tokens
    Select an option (1-4):  

The configuration file is written in YAML. If you're not familiar with it, this page can run you through the basics.

Minimal config

A minimal config looks something like this:

pleroma_base_url: https://pleroma.instance
max_tweets: 40
- twitter_username: User1
  pleroma_username: MyPleromaUser1

pleroma_base_url: https://mastodon.instance
max_tweets: 40
- twitter_username: User1
  pleroma_username: 24660 # Account ID
  # Mastodon Bearer token
Please make sure to use an account ID when using Mastodon as a target.

pleroma_base_url: https://misskey.instance
max_tweets: 40
- twitter_username: User1
  pleroma_username: MyMisskeyUser1
  # Misskey bearer token
pleroma_base_url: https://pleroma.instance
- twitter_username: User1
  pleroma_username: MyPleromaUser1
  archive: /path/to/
pleroma_base_url: https://pleroma.instance
- twitter_username: User1
  pleroma_username: MyPleromaUser1
pleroma_base_url: https://pleroma.instance
- twitter_username: User1
  pleroma_username: MyPleromaUser1

In the config file there are 2 distinct parts:

  • the global mappings at the top
  • a collection of users (each of them being a sequence of mappings)
global_mapping: global_value
- user_mapping: user_value

You can think of "users" as a YAML list, in which each entry of the list is denoted by a hyphen/dash (-).

This allows you to add as little as 1 user and as much as you need, there's no upper limit to the number of users you can add.

The mappings outside the user sequences, are considered "global" mappings and will be applied to all users. So if you define the value for pleroma_base_url at the top, it will apply to all users in your config:

pleroma_base_url: https://pleroma.instance
- twitter_username: User1
  pleroma_username: MyPleromaUser1
- twitter_username: User2
  pleroma_username: MyPleromaUser2

In this example, User1 and User2 share the configured value of pleroma_base_url at the top (https://pleroma.instance).

You can also override the "global" mapping within an user if you need to:

pleroma_base_url: https://pleroma.instance
- twitter_username: User1
  pleroma_username: MyPleromaUser1
- twitter_username: User2
  pleroma_username: MyPleromaUser2
  pleroma_base_url: https://another.instance
- twitter_username: User3
  pleroma_username: MyPleromaUser3

Here, User1 and User3 share the configured value of pleroma_base_url at the top but User2's pleroma_base_url value would be https://another.instance.


If you use pleroma-bot with a Mastodon instance, please keep in mind that you'll need to fill the pleroma_username mapping with your Mastodon account ID, not the username or nickname.

# Mastodon instance example
- twitter_username: WoolieWoolz
  pleroma_username: 24660 # <--
The ease of finding the ID for your Mastodon account varies between instances, sometimes it's as easy as to navigate to your profile and copy it from the URL.

You can try searching for it this way:

curl 'https://yourmastodon.instance/api/v2/search?q=<username>&resolve=true&limit=5' 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxx' 

If you are an admin or a moderator of the instance (or can get one to do it for you) you can also go to Preferences -> Moderation -> Accounts and find your account. After opening the account details, the URL will reveal the ID of the user.


Every mapping that pleroma-bot understands is listed below with a description, which allows you to further customize how each user should behave.

Mapping Optional Default Description
pleroma_base_url No Your Fediverse instance URL
max_tweets No How many tweets to get in every execution (Twitter's API hard limit is 3,200)
twitter_token Yes Twitter bearer token used for authentication, Guest tokens will be used if omitted
consumer_key Yes OAuth 1.0a Twitter Consumer Key (only needed for protected accounts)
consumer_secret Yes OAuth 1.0a Twitter Consumer Secret (only needed for protected accounts)
access_token_key Yes OAuth 1.0a Twitter Access Token Key (only needed for protected accounts)
access_token_secret Yes OAuth 1.0a Twitter Access Token Secret (only needed for protected accounts)
no_profile Yes false If set to true, the profile picture, banner, display name and bio will not be updated on the Fediverse account
nitter Yes false If Twitter links should be changed to nitter ones
nitter_base_url Yes Change this to your preferred nitter instance
signature Yes false Add a link to the original status
media_upload Yes true Download Twitter attachments and add them to the Fediverse posts
rich_text Yes false Transform mentions to links pointing to the mentioned Twitter profile
include_rts Yes true Include RTs when posting tweets in the Fediverse account
include_replies Yes true Include replies when posting tweets in the Fediverse account
include_quotes Yes true Include quoted tweets when posting tweets in the Fediverse account
hashtags Yes List of hashtags to use to filter out tweets which don't include any of them
visibility Yes unlisted Visibility of the post. Must one of the following: public, unlisted, private, direct
sensitive Yes original tweet sensitivity Force all posts to be sensitive (NSFW) or not
file_max_size Yes How big attachments can be before being ignored. Examples: "30MB", "1.5GB", "0.5TB"
delay_post Yes 0.5 How long to wait (in seconds) between submitting posts to the Fedi instance (useful when trying to avoid rate limits)
tweet_ids Yes List of specific tweet IDs to retrieve and post
twitter_bio Yes true Append Twitter's bio to Pleroma/Mastodon target user
original_date Yes false Include the creation date of the tweet on the Fediverse post body
original_date_format Yes "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" Date format to use when adding the creation date of the tweet to the Fediverse post
keep_media_links Yes false Keep redundant media links on the tweet text or not (<display_name>/status/<tweet_id>/photo/1)
invidious Yes false If Youtube links should be replaced with invidious ones
invidious_base_url Yes Change this to your preferred invidious instance
bot Yes Set the bot flag on the target account (to true or false)
guest Yes false Use guest tokens instead of twitter_token. No Twitter Developer account necessary. If no twitter_token is present it will default to true
proxy_pool Yes List of proxies to use when a request to Twitter's API is rate limited. (Only applies when using guest tokens)
proxy Yes true Use proxies when a request to Twitter's API is rate limited (Only applies when using guest tokens)
avoid_duplicates Yes true Use IDs stored in posts.json to check if tweet has already been published on the Fedi instance with the bot
application_name Yes Fediverse application name to use as a filter when getting the date of the latest published post by the bot
archive Yes Twitter archive's path to use as a source of tweets to mirror
content_warnings Yes Content warnings topics containing a list of keywords
custom_replacements Yes Key-value-pairs for replacing text with custom values
software Yes Override the automatic detection of the software running on the target instance. If the target is for example a fork or another project, you can force the bot to use the closest match. Must be one of the following: pleroma, mastodon, misskey

There a few mappings exclusive to users:

User mapping Optional Default Description
twitter_username No Username of Twitter account to mirror (can be a list)
pleroma_username No Username of target Fediverse account to post content and update profile
pleroma_token No Bearer token of target Fediverse account
bio_text Yes Text to be appended to the Twitter account bio text
fields Yes Optional metadata fields (sequence of name-value pairs) for the Fediverse profile
rss Yes URL to RSS feed for gathering tweets

And mappings that can only be used globally:

Global mapping Optional Default Description
random_user_order Yes false Randomize the order of processing users on your config

Example config

Complex config

Here's also a more full-fledged config file sample, with 4 users which puts together all the concepts we've seen:

max_tweets: 40
# List of users and their attributes
- twitter_username: KyleBosman
  pleroma_username: KyleBosman
  # (optional) keys and secrets for using OAuth 1.0a (for protected accounts)
  consumer_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  consumer_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  access_token_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  access_token_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  signature: true
  media_upload: true
  nitter: true
  rich_text: true
  visibility: "unlisted"
  sensitive: false
  original_date: true
  original_date_format: "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M"
  include_rts: false
  include_replies: false
    - sponsored
  file_max_size: 500MB
  # additional custom-named mappings
  support_account: robertoszek
  # you can use any mapping from 'user' inside a string with {{ mapping_name }} 
  # and it will be replaced with the mapping value. e.g. {{ support_account }}
  bio_text: "\U0001F916 BEEP BOOP \U0001F916 \nI'm a bot that mirrors\
    \ {{ twitter_username }} Twitter's account. \nAny issues please \
    \contact @{{ support_account }} \n \n "
  # Optional metadata fields and values for the Fediverse profile
  - name: "\U0001F426 Birdsite"
    value: "{{ twitter_url }}"
  - name: "Status"
    value: "I am afraid I cannot do that."
  - name: "Source"
    value: ""
  - name: "WWW"
    value: "{{ website }}" # Website defined in Twitter profile
# Mastodon instance example
- twitter_username: WoolieWoolz
  pleroma_username: 24660
  # Mastodon doesn't support rich text!
  rich_text: false
  signature: true
  nitter: true
  visibility: "unlisted"
  media_upload: true
  max_tweets: 50
  bio_text: "\U0001F916 BEEP BOOP \U0001F916 \nI'm a bot that mirrors\
    \ {{ twitter_username }} Twitter's account. \nAny issues please \
    \contact @{{ support_account }} \n \n "
  - name: "\U0001F426 Birdsite"
    value: "{{ twitter_url }}"
  - name: "Status"
    value: "I am completely operational."
  - name: "Source"
    value: ""
# Minimal config example
- twitter_username: arstechnica
  pleroma_username: mynewsbot
  bio_text: ""
# Guest tokens example
- twitter_username: hackernews
  pleroma_username: ycombinator
  guest: true