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Installation method

First you need to install pleroma-bot on your system. There are multiple methods available:

  • System-wide:
    $ pip install pleroma-bot
  • Or in a virtual environment :
    $ python3 -m venv myvenv
    $ source myvenv/bin/activate
    (myenv) $ pip install pleroma-bot
$ yay -S python-pleroma-bot
$ git clone
$ cd pleroma-bot/

If you choose to use Git, note that you will also need to install the needed dependecies manually

On the other hand, if you use pip or the AUR package, all dependencies will be installed automatically with no manual intervention required

Either way, here's a list of the dependencies in case you need them:

Name Git repo Docs
python-oauthlib GitHub Documentation
python-pyaml GitHub Documentation
python-requests GitHub Documentation
python-requests-oauthlib GitHub Documentation
feedparser GitHub Documentation
beautifulsoup4 Webpage Documentation
tqdm GitHub Documentation

Test the installation

Once installed using your preferred method, test that the package has been correctly installed using the following command.

$ pleroma-bot -h

                  q@@@@@BBBBQgg80RN6HAqSo          _             _
                 z@@@@BBBB#Qg8&0RN6WqSUhr         | |           | |
               -H@@@@BBBBQQg80RD6HAqSKh(       ___| |_ ___  _ __| | __
              rB@@@BBBB#6Lm00DN6WqSUhfv       / __| __/ _ \| '__| |/ /
             f@@@@BBBBf= |0RD6HAqSKhfv        \__ \ || (_) | |  |   <
           =g@@@BBBBF=  "RDN6WqSUhff{         |___/\__\___/|_|  |_|\_|
          c@@@@BBgu_   ~WD9HAqSKhfkl`
        _6@@@BBNr     'qN6WqSUhhfXI'     .                           .       .
       rB@@@B0r      `S6HAqSKhfkoCr  ,-. |  ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-,-. ,-.    |-. ,-. |-
     `X@@@BQx       `I6WASShhfXFIy_  | | |  |-' |   | | | | | ,-| -- | | | | |
    _g@@@Q\`        JHAqSKhfXoCwJz_  |-' `' `-' '   `-' ' ' ' `-^    `-' `-' `'
   rB@@#x`         }WASShhfXsIyzuu,  |
 `y@@&|          .IAqSKhfXoCwJzu1lr  '
`D@&|           :KqSUhffXsIyzuu1llc,
ff=            `==:::""",,,,________

usage: pleroma-bot [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-d] [-p POLLRATE] [-l LOG] [-n]
                   [--forceDate [FORCEDATE]] [-s] [-a ARCHIVE] [--verbose]

Bot for mirroring one or multiple Twitter accounts in Pleroma/Mastodon.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path of config file (config.yml) to use and parse. If
                        not specified, it will try to find it in the current
                        working directory.
  -d, --daemon          run in daemon mode. By default it will re-run every
                        60min. You can control this with --pollrate
  -p POLLRATE, --pollrate POLLRATE
                        only applies to daemon mode. How often to run the
                        program in the background (in minutes). By default is
  -l LOG, --log LOG     path of log file (error.log) to create. If not
                        specified, it will try to store it at your config file
  -n, --noProfile       skips Fediverse profile update (no background image,
                        profile image, bio text, etc.)
  --forceDate [FORCEDATE]
                        forces the tweet retrieval to start from a specific
                        date. The twitter_username value (FORCEDATE) can be
                        supplied to only force it for that particular user in
                        the config
  -s, --skipChecks      skips first run checks
  -a ARCHIVE, --archive ARCHIVE
                        path of the Twitter archive file (zip) to use for
                        posting tweets.
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        number of threads to use when processing tweets
  -L LOCKFILE, --lockfile LOCKFILE
                        path of lock file (pleroma_bot.lock) to prevent
                        collisions with multiple bot instances. By default it
                        will be placed next to your config file.
  --verbose, -v
  --version             show program's version number and exit
$ pleroma-bot -h

                  q@@@@@BBBBQgg80RN6HAqSo          _             _
                 z@@@@BBBB#Qg8&0RN6WqSUhr         | |           | |
               -H@@@@BBBBQQg80RD6HAqSKh(       ___| |_ ___  _ __| | __
              rB@@@BBBB#6Lm00DN6WqSUhfv       / __| __/ _ \| '__| |/ /
             f@@@@BBBBf= |0RD6HAqSKhfv        \__ \ || (_) | |  |   <
           =g@@@BBBBF=  "RDN6WqSUhff{         |___/\__\___/|_|  |_|\_|
          c@@@@BBgu_   ~WD9HAqSKhfkl`
        _6@@@BBNr     'qN6WqSUhhfXI'     .                           .       .
       rB@@@B0r      `S6HAqSKhfkoCr  ,-. |  ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-,-. ,-.    |-. ,-. |-
     `X@@@BQx       `I6WASShhfXFIy_  | | |  |-' |   | | | | | ,-| -- | | | | |
    _g@@@Q\`        JHAqSKhfXoCwJz_  |-' `' `-' '   `-' ' ' ' `-^    `-' `-' `'
   rB@@#x`         }WASShhfXsIyzuu,  |
 `y@@&|          .IAqSKhfXoCwJzu1lr  '
`D@&|           :KqSUhffXsIyzuu1llc,
ff=            `==:::""",,,,________

usage: pleroma-bot [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-d] [-p POLLRATE] [-l LOG] [-n]
                   [--forceDate [FORCEDATE]] [-s] [-a ARCHIVE] [--verbose]

Bot for mirroring one or multiple Twitter accounts in Pleroma/Mastodon.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path of config file (config.yml) to use and parse. If
                        not specified, it will try to find it in the current
                        working directory.
  -d, --daemon          run in daemon mode. By default it will re-run every
                        60min. You can control this with --pollrate
  -p POLLRATE, --pollrate POLLRATE
                        only applies to daemon mode. How often to run the
                        program in the background (in minutes). By default is
  -l LOG, --log LOG     path of log file (error.log) to create. If not
                        specified, it will try to store it at your config file
  -n, --noProfile       skips Fediverse profile update (no background image,
                        profile image, bio text, etc.)
  --forceDate [FORCEDATE]
                        forces the tweet retrieval to start from a specific
                        date. The twitter_username value (FORCEDATE) can be
                        supplied to only force it for that particular user in
                        the config
  -s, --skipChecks      skips first run checks
  -a ARCHIVE, --archive ARCHIVE
                        path of the Twitter archive file (zip) to use for
                        posting tweets.
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        number of threads to use when processing tweets
  -L LOCKFILE, --lockfile LOCKFILE
                        path of lock file (pleroma_bot.lock) to prevent
                        collisions with multiple bot instances. By default it
                        will be placed next to your config file.
  --verbose, -v
  --version             show program's version number and exit
$ python3 -m pleroma_bot.cli -h

                  q@@@@@BBBBQgg80RN6HAqSo          _             _
                 z@@@@BBBB#Qg8&0RN6WqSUhr         | |           | |
               -H@@@@BBBBQQg80RD6HAqSKh(       ___| |_ ___  _ __| | __
              rB@@@BBBB#6Lm00DN6WqSUhfv       / __| __/ _ \| '__| |/ /
             f@@@@BBBBf= |0RD6HAqSKhfv        \__ \ || (_) | |  |   <
           =g@@@BBBBF=  "RDN6WqSUhff{         |___/\__\___/|_|  |_|\_|
          c@@@@BBgu_   ~WD9HAqSKhfkl`
        _6@@@BBNr     'qN6WqSUhhfXI'     .                           .       .
       rB@@@B0r      `S6HAqSKhfkoCr  ,-. |  ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-,-. ,-.    |-. ,-. |-
     `X@@@BQx       `I6WASShhfXFIy_  | | |  |-' |   | | | | | ,-| -- | | | | |
    _g@@@Q\`        JHAqSKhfXoCwJz_  |-' `' `-' '   `-' ' ' ' `-^    `-' `-' `'
   rB@@#x`         }WASShhfXsIyzuu,  |
 `y@@&|          .IAqSKhfXoCwJzu1lr  '
`D@&|           :KqSUhffXsIyzuu1llc,
ff=            `==:::""",,,,________

usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-l LOG] [-n] [--forceDate [FORCEDATE]] [-s]
              [-a ARCHIVE] [--verbose] [--version]

Bot for mirroring one or multiple Twitter accounts in Pleroma/Mastodon.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path of config file (config.yml) to use and parse. If
                        not specified, it will try to find it in the current
                        working directory.
  -d, --daemon          run in daemon mode. By default it will re-run every
                        60min. You can control this with --pollrate
  -p POLLRATE, --pollrate POLLRATE
                        only applies to daemon mode. How often to run the
                        program in the background (in minutes). By default is
  -l LOG, --log LOG     path of log file (error.log) to create. If not
                        specified, it will try to store it at your config file
  -n, --noProfile       skips Fediverse profile update (no background image,
                        profile image, bio text, etc.)
  --forceDate [FORCEDATE]
                        forces the tweet retrieval to start from a specific
                        date. The twitter_username value (FORCEDATE) can be
                        supplied to only force it for that particular user in
                        the config
  -s, --skipChecks      skips first run checks
  -a ARCHIVE, --archive ARCHIVE
                        path of the Twitter archive file (zip) to use for
                        posting tweets.
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        number of threads to use when processing tweets
  -L LOCKFILE, --lockfile LOCKFILE
                        path of lock file (pleroma_bot.lock) to prevent
                        collisions with multiple bot instances. By default it
                        will be placed next to your config file.
  --verbose, -v
  --version             show program's version number and exit